How to fill a SIWES Logbook and Samples 2023

How to fill a SIWES Logbook and Samples

Welcome to the step-by-step guide on how to correctly fill your SIWES logbook. Whether you’re a fresh SIWES intern aiming for clarity or you are rounding up your SIWES internship and striving for accuracy, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know. Think about it – preparing for your SIWES logbook journey … Read more

How to fill Siwes logbook for Pharmacy student 

Why did the student pharmacist drop her pills? Because she was at a loss dose! Pharmacy students who take the time to carefully and thoughtfully fill out their SIWES logbooks demonstrate a strong commitment to their education and their future careers. They are dedicated to learning about the field of pharmacy and all its nuances, … Read more

filled siwes logbook for microbiology Student

sample of a filled microbiology student siwes logbook

Why was the microbiology students’ logbook always empty? Because they spent all their time at the internship trying to figure out how to get out of doing actual work! You can request a personalized logbook entry about your field of study for the whole 6 months. Please click here. The logbook is a record of … Read more