How to fill Siwes logbook for Pharmacy student 

Why did the student pharmacist drop her pills? Because she was at a loss dose!

Pharmacy students who take the time to carefully and thoughtfully fill out their SIWES logbooks demonstrate a strong commitment to their education and their future careers. They are dedicated to learning about the field of pharmacy and all its nuances, and they understand the importance of hands-on experience in preparing for their careers.

Samples of a filled Siwes logbook for Pharmacy Students

By taking the time to reflect on your experiences and document the learning process, you are not only preparing yourself for success but also contributing to the development of the profession. 

Here are samples of daily activities in a siwes logbook

Week 1 Day 1

  • I Reviewed the pharmacology of analgesics, including the mechanism of action and common side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen.
  • Discussed potential drug interactions of analgesics with other medications, such as anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs.

Week 1 Day 2

  • Prescribed ibuprofen 200mg and acetaminophen 500mg for a patient with mild to moderate pain. Educated the patient on the proper dosing, administration, and potential adverse effects.
  • Discussed the treatment of minor illnesses such as cold and flu-like symptoms, including the use of over-the-counter medications and potential prescription options.

Week 1 Day 3

  • I Reviewed appropriate dosing for a variety of common medications, including acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and decongestants.
  • I reviewed the use of opioid analgesics in pain management, including the risks and benefits associated with these medications.

Week 1 Day 4

  • I Prescribed hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5/325mg for a patient with moderate to severe pain and provided education on proper dosing, administration, and potential adverse effects.
  • I reviewed the use of various other non-opioid and adjunctive therapies for pain management, such as nerve blocks and anticonvulsant drugs.

Week 1 Day 5

  • I prescribed guidelines for cough and cold medications, including the use of expectorants and decongestants for a client.
  • I Prescribed promethazine 12.5mg for a patient with nausea and vomiting.

Week 2 Day 1

  • Discussed the use of tramadol as an alternative to opioid analgesics
  • Discussed the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) including their contraindications.
  • Prescribed Naproxen and Paracetamol for a patient with low back pain.

Week 2 Day 2

  • Discussed the appropriate use of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy.
  • Reviewed the appropriate use of antibiotics and antiviral medication, and when to avoid prescribing them.

Week 2 Day 3

  • Discussed the use of alternative and complementary therapies for pain management such as acupuncture, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care.
  • I reviewed the use of corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy in pain management, including potential side effects and risks.

Week 2 Day 4

  • Prescribed gabapentin for a patient with neuropathic pain, and provided education on proper dosing and administration, as well as potential adverse effects.
  •  I learned the use of anti-depressants for the treatment of chronic pain, including the mechanism of action and potential side effects.

Week 2 Day 5

  • Reviewed the use of muscle relaxants for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, including potential side effects and risks.
  • I Prescribed amitriptyline for a patient with fibromyalgia and provided education on proper dosing and administration, as well as potential adverse effects.
  • Including the appropriate use of over-the-counter pain medications, including potential risks and interactions with other medications.

Week 3 Day 1

  • Reviewed the use of transdermal pain patches and gels, including potential side effects and risks.
  • I was taught the use of biofeedback and relaxation techniques as adjunctive therapy for chronic pain management.

Week 3 Day 2

  • I discussed the use of local anesthetics for pain management, including the mechanism of action, potential side effects, and risks.
  • Prescribed lidocaine patch for a patient with postherpetic neuralgia, and provided education on proper administration and potential adverse effects.

Week 3 Day 3

  • I learned the use of topical pain medications, such as capsaicin and menthol creams, for the management of localized pain.
  • Reviewed the use of systemic pain medications, such as systemic corticosteroids and bisphosphonates, for the management of inflammatory and bone pain.

Week 3 Day 4

  • I learned the appropriate use of pain management in palliative care and end-of-life patients.
  • Discussed the use of ketamine infusion therapy for the management of chronic pain, including the mechanism of action, potential side effects, and risks

Week 3 Day 5

  • Prescribed ketamine infusion for a patient with complex regional pain syndrome, and provided education on proper administration and potential adverse effects.
  • Discussed the use of nerve blocks and neurostimulation therapy for pain management, including the mechanism of action, potential side effects, and risks.

1 thought on “How to fill Siwes logbook for Pharmacy student ”

  1. The write up is quite detailed and well entailed it is of great use
    Good job 👍 to the publisher


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