What happens if you don’t show up for jury duty

Being called for jury duty can be an inconvenience, especially when other responsibilities have to be juggled such as work, family, or other commitments. However, it is important to understand that jury duty is a civic responsibility and an important part of the judicial system.

If you don’t show up for Jury, you could be subject to some serious consequences. In some states, failure to appear can result in a fine or even jail time. So if you’re summoned, it’s important to take it seriously and ensure you show up.

How Jury Duty Works

The way Jury works can be seen as a civic responsibility, allowing a person to participate in the justice system. It involves being selected for a jury panel for a court trial.

This requires attendance at court hearings and ultimately delivering a judgment on any legal matters which are decided by the jury members, and will hopefully lead to justice being served.

Although duty should be taken seriously, it also enables individuals to understand what goes on inside a courtroom while giving back to their community.

How long does jury duty last

Jury duty typically takes one or two days. However, there are times when the trial may take longer and you could be asked to serve for even a week or more.

Jury service can be unpredictable so what happens if you miss jury duty? Depending on your jurisdiction and what stage of the trial proceedings you missed, you are likely to be charged with contempt of court which carries hefty penalties including fines or even jail time.

That is why it is important to make sure that if you get called, you attend every single day until released by the court.

What to wear to jury duty

When selecting an outfit for court, be mindful of the “business casual” rule: a collared shirt, long pants for men, and closed-toed shoes. Women should also opt for a similarly conservative wardrobe piece such as a dress or skirt, blouse or sweater, with appropriate footwear.

Anything too revealing, tight-fitting, or overly flashy should be avoided—remember that jurors are representing themselves in court. As a responsible citizen attending court proceedings, you must come dressed appropriately.


Every able-bodied person age eighteen or older may be called for jury duty, with some considerations such as age and life experiences playing a part in who is exempted.

Jury Duty Works

For example, age may grant an individual exemption if he or she is over 70 years old, while someone younger than 18 may be absolved from reporting per their age requirement.

Students, active military personnel, and nurses on duty are generally exempted as well due to their life circumstances at the time they would usually report for jury duty. Even with these exemptions, however, it’s still extremely important that every citizen fulfill this important civic responsibility whenever possible.

what numbers are usually called for jury duty

Jury selection is conducted through a random process of selecting individuals from an area’s voter registration list, driver’s licenses, and ID cards.

The numbers involved in the call-up depend on the individual court system but it could range anywhere from 75 to 150 people for any given jury pool.

This means that even if you’ve been called for jury duty in the past, there’s always a chance you may get called again. This is why it’s important to stay informed about your civic responsibility and answer the call whenever possible.


Jury duty is an important civic responsibility that everyone should take seriously. It can be unpredictable but understanding how it works and what to expect can help prepare you for the process.

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