Steps, Approach, Resolve in Solving Complex Problems Efficiently

We all face complex problems at some point in our lives. Whether it’s a difficult decision we need to make or a problem we can’t seem to solve, these challenges can be incredibly frustrating and overwhelming. And while there are no easy answers, there are steps you can take to help you think more clearly and effectively about complex problems.

Complex problems can be frustrating and overwhelming, but with the right approach, they can be solved. In this article, we’ll explore different methods for solving complex problems, and we’ll provide examples to help illustrate these methods. 

We’ll also discuss how to stay organized and focused when solving complex problems, and tips for avoiding common mistakes.

what is complex problems?

this competency involves the ability to critically analyze and solve complex problems
Credits to: Florian Nicolle

A complex problem is a problem that has multiple interrelated factors, making it difficult to identify the root cause or causes. Complex problems are often multi-dimensional, with many different stakeholders involved. They can also be dynamic, changing over time as new information and perspectives are brought to bear.

Complex problems can be found in all areas of life, from personal relationships to global issues like climate change. Some common examples of complex problems include:

  1. Making a major life decision, such as whether to change jobs or move to a new city
  2. Solving a multi-step math problem
  3. Diagnosing a health problem
  4. Troubleshooting a technical issue
  5. Organizing a large event
  6. Addressing a social or environmental issue

How to solve complex problems

how to solve complex problems
Credits to: Florian Nicolle

There are many different approaches you can take to solving complex problems. The best approach will depend on the specific problem you’re facing, as well as your preferences and skills. Some common methods for solving complex problems include:


This involves generating a list of ideas, solutions, or potential courses of action. Brainstorming can be done alone or with others, and it’s often helpful to set aside the judgment and brainstorm freely at first, without evaluating the feasibility of each idea. Later, you can narrow down the list to the most promising ideas.

Root cause analysis:

This is a process for identifying the underlying cause or causes of a problem. Once the root cause or causes are identified, it becomes easier to find a solution that addresses the problem at its source.

Systems thinking:

This approach considers how different elements of a system (e.g., a company, organization, or ecosystem) interact with one another, and how changes to one element can impact the system as a whole. Systems thinking is often used to solve problems that are complex and difficult to predict, such as social or environmental issues.

Decision analysis:

This is a structured approach to making decisions, which involves identifying and evaluating different options, considering risks and uncertainties, and making a decision based on objective criteria.

Design thinking:

This is a creative problem-solving process that involves understanding the user’s needs, brainstorming solutions, prototyping and testing potential solutions, and iterating on the design until an optimal solution is found.

Tips for Solving Complex Problems

When solving complex problems, it’s important to stay organized and focused. Here are some tips to help you do this. The first step identified for solving complex problems is:

  • Start by breaking the problem down into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will make it easier to find a solution and avoid getting overwhelmed.
  • Identify the stakeholders involved in the problem, and consider their different perspectives. This can help you generate new ideas and find common ground.
  • Keep an open mind, and be willing to think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or challenge your assumptions.
  • Document your process as you go, so you can track your progress and refer back to your notes later. This will also help you communicate your findings to others.
  • Take breaks when needed, and come back to the problem with fresh eyes. Sometimes the best solutions come when we step away from the problem and let our subconscious minds work on it.

When faced with a complex problem, it’s important to stay calm and focused. By breaking the problem down into smaller pieces, you can more easily find a solution. Additionally, keeping an open mind and being willing to try new approaches can help you solve even the most difficult problems.

Complex problems in the workplace

The workplace is full of complex problems that need to be solved daily. Some common examples include:

  1. How to increase productivity
  2. How to reduce costs
  3. How to improve customer satisfaction
  4. How to resolve conflicts between employees
  5. How to make the workplace more diverse and inclusive
what is complex problems
Credits to: Florian Nicolle

Each this competency involves the ability to critically analyze and solve complex problems, possible solutions, and potential risks and rewards. Finding the right solution requires careful analysis, creative thinking, and sometimes a bit of luck.

There are a few general principles that can help you tackle complex problems in the workplace:

  • Define the problem clearly
  • Gather as much information as possible
  • Consider all possible solutions
  • Choose the best solution based on your goals
  • Implement the solution and monitor its success

If you can master these principles, you’ll be well on your way to solving any complex problem that comes your way.


The takeaway from all of this is that complex problems are best approached, in a friendly step-by-step manner. By breaking down the problem into smaller pieces, you can more easily find a solution that works for you.

complex problems definition
Credits to: Florian Nicolle

Additionally, it’s important to be flexible in your approach and to be willing to try different methods until you find one that works. So it’s important to be open to different possibilities.

Finally, don’t forget to ask for help when you need it. Usually, some people are more than willing to lend a helping hand. Please share this article with your loved ones

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