What is Table Cream, The Benefits, and Substitute

Have you ever been in the midst of cooking a delicious meal and realized you’re out of table cream? It’s a moment of panic akin to realizing you’re out of toilet paper in the bathroom (which, let’s be real, is a universal nightmare). But fear not dear reader – table cream is here to save the day (or at least, your dinner).

So, what exactly is table cream? Simply put, it’s a type of thickened cream that’s typically used as a relish or for cooking. It’s similar to heavy cream but has a higher fat content (usually around 30-35%) with added ingredients like carrageenan or guar gum. This makes it thicker and more stable than heavy cream, which can be prone to separation when heated or whipped.

But what is table cream used for, you ask? Well, the possibilities are endless! It’s a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, both sweet and savory. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Sauces: Table cream is a great addition to sauces, adding richness and depth of flavor. Try it in a classic Alfredo sauce or a creamy tomato sauce.
table cream substitute
  • Soups: Looking to add a creamy element to your soup? It can do the trick! It’s particularly delicious in a velvety potato leek soup or a creamy chicken noodle soup.
  • Baked goods: Table cream can be used as a substitute for milk in baked goods, adding a decadent richness to cakes, muffins, and bread.
  • Whipped cream: With its high-fat content, it is perfect for whipping into light and fluffy whipped cream.
  • Coffee creamer: In a pinch, it can be used as a coffee creamer. Just be sure to give it a good shake before using it, as it tends to separate when left to sit.

Table cream substitute

But what if you find yourself out of table cream and in need of a substitute? Never fear – there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are a few ideas:

  • Heavy cream: Compared to table cream, heavy cream has a lower fat content (around 30%). In most recipes, you can use it as a substitute, but it may not hold up as well when heated or whipped.
  • Sour cream: Sour cream is another good substitute, particularly in dips and sauces. You’ll just have to remember that it adds a very tangy flavor to anything you cook.
  • Half and a half: It’s a good substitute for coffee or used in lighter dishes.
  • Whole milk: In a pinch, you can also use whole milk as a substitute for table cream. It won’t be quite as rich or thick, but it will still add a creamy element to your dish.

Examples of Table Cream

Some common examples of table cream include:

Nestle table cream
  • Nestle Creme Fraiche
  • Land O’Lakes
  • Arla
  • Devondale
  • Parmalat
  • Pure Dairy
  • Oakhurst

These brands can often be found in the dairy section of your local grocery store. Keep in mind that availability may vary depending on your location.


Here are some benefits of using table cream now that we’ve discussed what it is and what it does. 

  • It has a rich source of fat, which is needed for maintaining healthy brain function and providing energy. 
  • Table cream’s high-fat content prevents it from curdling when heated, making it an excellent choice for sauces and soups.
  • Can serve as a temporary coffee creamer
  • Can be used in place of milk in baked foods to add a luxurious richness

So, the next time you need a little extra creaminess in your cooking, don’t hesitate to reach for the cream.

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